Commeownity APP

IOS App • Indepth Interveiw • Brainstorming •Branding • Storyboard • Flowcharts • Wireframes • User Interface

Project Overview

As we are both cat lovers, I just adopted a 6 months old cat, and my teammates have three 5 years old cats. We found ourselves that faced a lot of challenges and troubles to take care of our cats. So we started to think:

“How might we design an experience that cat parents will quickly find the right way to take care of their cat in different situations.”

My Contributions

I was the only designer on the project so everything you see I created myself. I was involved in everything from defining the brand, creating flows and wireframes, all the way to creating final UI designs.

Starting with the basics. Who, what and why

We started with strategy and defined the brand and it’s target audience.Regarding users, I was pleased to find that the team were already talking to their target audience and had a lot of insight, so it was just a matter of putting the findings together to form user personas.

In order to better understand the needs of cat parents, we did 20+ user survey for primary research. After conducted and organized user answers, we conclued two types of key users and 4 research insights.

Brainstorming & Ideation

Based on the insights from the research stages, we each ideated thirteen concepts. We used one of the idation methodology Crazy 8’s. As a following step, we sorted out three cartegories and made groups by values - Comunication platform / Offline meeting / Consulting Platform. Each of us had two times votes for down selection.


For a better understanding of the use case of this application, I draw 2 use senarios of different target users.


After that I proceeded with creating a flowchart showing how the platform would be organized. We had some features in mind so I made sure to discuss them and include them in the plan.

Low-fidelity wireframing

After defined the flow and thus what screens we needed I proceeded with creating the low-fidelity wireframes to explore the experience in more detail on a screen-by-screen level.

Visual exploration